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Enhancing Leadership Skills: Practical Insights for Effective Leadership

April 1, 2024

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Practical Insights for Effective Leadership

Leadership is not a trait one is simply born with, nor is it reserved for those with specific titles or status. It is a skill and attitude that can be developed by anyone, regardless of their role in life—be it in family, community, or workplace settings. This article explores how everyone has the potential to become a leader by focusing on pragmatic leadership skills, drawing on principles from Abdul Wahid Omar’s course on, “Pragmatic Leadership”.

Everyone Can Be a Leader With the Right Leadership Skills

Leadership is accessible to all, irrespective of natural disposition or social standing:

– Leadership is a Learned Skill: You do not need to be born a leader. You can develop leadership skills through learning and practice.
– Independent of Rank or Status: Leadership is about responsibility and influence, which can exist at any level and in any context.
– Inclusive of All Personalities: Introverts and extroverts alike can be leaders. Introverts often bring unique strengths to leadership, such as being thoughtful listeners and calm decision-makers.

Self-Assessment for Effective Leadership

Understanding and developing your unique qualities are crucial in shaping your leadership style:

1. Identify Your Strengths: Recognising your unique qualities helps you choose the most effective leadership tactics. Valuable skills like empathy, active listening, and clear communication should not be underestimated.

2. Engage in Self-Learning: Regularly reading, watching educational videos, or participating in courses can deepen your understanding of various leadership dimensions.

3. Start Small: Leadership develops over time. Begin with small steps, such as leading a project at work or taking on a volunteer role in your community.

Core Traits of a Good Leader

From Abdul Wahid Omar’s perspectives on “Pragmatic Leadership”, three key traits stand out:

1. Integrity: Integrity involves doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It is more than just adherence to rules—it is about having a firm stance on ethics that guides your behaviour in every situation. Integrity builds trust, essential for cooperation and collective growth.

2. Capability: Being capable is not just about having the right qualifications on paper. It includes skills, experience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. In the ever-changing landscape of work, continuously enhancing your capabilities is crucial for handling direct challenges effectively and contributing to your organisation’s success.

3. Humility: Humility is often misunderstood as a weakness. In reality, it is a strength of great leaders. It allows you to acknowledge your limits and mistakes, fostering a friendly learning environment and encouraging growth. Humility helps you appreciate the temporary nature of life, ensuring your achievements are grounded in the right perspective.


Great leadership qualities stem from a combination of learned skills, self-awareness, and continuous personal development. By recognising that leadership is accessible to everyone, embracing lifelong learning, and embodying core traits such as integrity, capability, and humility, individuals can inspire and influence effectively. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, in a high position or just starting out, these principles from Abdul Wahid Omar’s teachings on pragmatic leadership can empower you to lead more effectively in all areas of life.

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